The Practical Solutions Group
The Practical Solutions Group
152 Witherspoon St., Princeton, NJ 08542
The Practical Solutions Group is a consultancy to pharma, biotech, medical device and supporting companies.
We believe that if you blindly follow every known, conventional or suggested regulatory compliance/quality road, you will get lost. Instead, we apply years of our direct cGXP regulatory compliance, CMC experience, QA/QC, project management and technical experience with real-world, straightforward, hands-on business thinking for solving our clients’ regulatory compliance/quality problems. Remember, we are business owners too.
The same mentality extends to our large network of strategic partners. We hold ourselves and the people we work with to a very high standard. A standard that translates into real benefits for you because it allows for simplifying regulatory compliance/quality of your existing business environment and/or building the quality infrastructure and mindset that are specific to your company’s operations.