Experience Princeton Welcomes New Business

Center for Anxiety has announced that they will behaving their ribbon ceremony for their 7th location in Princeton, New Jersey onSeptember 11th, 2023, at 2pm.
With their new office in Princeton at 16 Chambers St,Center for Anxiety continues to fulfill its mission of providing effectiveoutpatient treatment by delivering an exceptional patient focused experiencethat is accessible to the diverse communities it serves.
Aubrey Haines, President of Experience Princeton, saidabout their opening: “From an economic development perspective it is very excitingwhenever a new business opens, especially so for the Center of Anxiety. Theyhave already demonstrated a willingness to be active in the community whichwill surely be a key to their success.”
Center for Anxiety offers evidence-based treatments foranxiety and related symptoms to individuals of all ages. Established in 2011 byDr. David H. Rosmarin, a Harvard Professor and Director at McLean Hospital, thepractice has grown from a one-room suite in New York City's Flatiron Districtto seven thriving clinics across New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.
Dr. Rachel Paster, PsyD, ex-LifeStance Health (NASDAQ:LFST), joins Center for Anxiety as the Clinical Site Director in Princeton. Dr.Paster holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from William JamesCollege, with a certificate in Latino Mental Health. She also earned a Master'sof Education degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Noah Hercky, LMHC, current Director of Marriage and FamilyTherapy at Center for Anxiety, will be relocating from the flagship Manhattanlocation to the Princeton office and round out the clinical leadership.
Additionally, Jennifer Woods, former Director of PatientExperience at Mindful Care, will be coming on board and be based in thePrinceton office. Ms. Woods, ex-Kindbody, joins Center for Anxiety with 14years in the health tech industry as an experienced operations director andcustomer experience manager.
Center for Anxiety features a diverse clinical staff oflicensed psychologists, masters level clinicians, and a nationally accrediteddoctoral training program by the American Psychological Association. ThePrinceton location, following the model of the other locations, will prioritizesame-week intake appointments and provide early morning and evening appointmentsessions to accommodate the need for more flexible scheduling, as well as offerconcierge-level mental health services through its Echelon Program™.
Situated in the newly renovated historic Chambers StreetFirehouse, directly across the street from Princeton University and adjacent toPalmer Square, the 2,600 square foot custom-built full-floor suite featuresintentionally designed therapy rooms built for the comfort of patients, and averdant outdoor semi-private patio.
The convenient location of the new office will make it avaluable resource for the university students and faculty, as well as thefamilies and surrounding communities. It is easily accessible from thesurrounding Central Jersey and Philadelphia suburbs.
When asked about the motivation for opening a location inPrinceton, Dr. Rosmarin explained: “Our decision to open an office in Princetonreflects our dedication to ensuring that individuals and families have the supportthey need to navigate the complexities of modern life. By expanding ourservices to this thriving community, we hope to make a positive impact on themental well-being of its residents, empowering them to lead fulfilling andresilient lives.”
Princeton marks Center for Anxiety’s seventh office, aftermost recently opening clinics in Boston and Cambridge in 2022. They are the 13thnew business to open in Princeton since Experience Princeton was established asthe Special Improvement District in 2022.
About Center for Anxiety
Center for Anxiety was founded in 2011 by Dr. David H.Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP, in a one-room suite in New York City's Flatiron District.Driven by the support of philanthropic individuals who shared his vision, Dr.Rosmarin set out on a mission to address the gaps in the collective mentalhealth ecosystem of New York City by establishing a group practice that wouldprovide exceptional, evidence-based mental healthcare, with customizedtreatments tailored to each patient's unique needs. The Intensive Outpatientand Dialectical Behavior Therapy programs offer high-quality services forindividuals dealing with complex or acute symptoms. Center for Anxiety haspositively impacted the lives of over 10,000 patients and their families. Forfurther information visit: https://www.centerforanxiety.org.
Experience Princeton was founded in 2022 and is avolunteer-based, nonprofit organization formed to shape, maintain and grow aflourishing Princeton economy by offering an exceptional experience forresidents and visitors.